
SEARCH HELPSHow to Search Our Website

  • Searches are conducted on keywords without making a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. Keywords shorter than the minimum character count will be ignored.
  • To obtain a broader range of results, please use the word OR (in uppercase letters). E.g.: Cat OR dog (brings up content containing either the word “cat” or the word “dog”)
  • To search for content containing all the words, we use the word AND (in uppercase letters); however, this performs the same action as the default search. E.g.: Cat AND dog (brings up content containing both “cat” and “dog” in the same way as “Cat dog” would)
  • To search for a phrase or sentence, please use quotation marks. E.g.: “Cats eat rats”
  • By placing a - symbol in front of a keyword, we can exclude content containing that keyword. The search must contain at least one “positive” keyword. E.g.: Cat -dog (content containing “cat,” but not containing “dog”)